It's really depressing that it's been 5 months since I've uploaded pictures to the blog, I swear I'm going to try to do a lot better than that this year. As many of you know, the last 4 1/2 months have been extremely stressful, almost as bad as the 6 months before that. I went from being unemployed to working 60 hours a week at two jobs, neither of which pay that well... I wish there was a way to make some money off of photography, I'd be a lot happier. None of these have had anything done to them in Lightroom or Photoshop, I haven't been able to get the iMac I want, hopefully I can come back to them at some point soon and see what I can get out of them. Anyways, here goes, I'll try to give some background where it might be needed.
Ironman Wisconsin 2009


Random picture outside of the apartment after work

My sister Kendra at my family's Christmas

Christmas Dinner with the Pajcic's

Christmas with Vanessa's extended family

The new addition to our family - Brogan

Random pictures from the dog park and the remnants of "Freezing Fog"


Random picture outside of the apartment after work

My sister Kendra at my family's Christmas

Christmas Dinner with the Pajcic's

Christmas with Vanessa's extended family

The new addition to our family - Brogan

Random pictures from the dog park and the remnants of "Freezing Fog"